Kit Genturo
Find out now if you’re the carrier of a mutation that can cause cancer.
The kit contains:
✔ Initial consultation for oncological risk assessment
✔ Certified Genetic Analysis
✔ Oncogentic Counseling and Advice
3500 RON
Everything in 3 simple steps
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Sampling and return of the sample
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Do you have any questions?
How does it work ?
Step 1
Add the test to your cart and complete your order.
Step 2
Following the instructions in the kit collects a saliva sample.
Step 3
Download the results from your account and schedule oncogenetic counseling.
Are you ready to take the test?
Find out if you're predisposed
Genetic testing conducted through GenTuRo is based on state-of-the-art sequencing technology, includes all genes involved in the occurrence of hereditary cancers, covering 98% of what means hereditary genetic predisposition in cancer.
The analysis is certified and accredited in the USA as a diagnostic test with 99% specificity and sensitivity.
The time required for processing the biological sample is between 21-30 days.
Hereditary cancer is a form of cancer that is due to a constitutional genetic defect, (innate), most often inherited from one of the parents.
Most cancers are not hereditary, but 10-15% of cases are due to inherited genetic defects and thus give the carrier a significantly increased risk of developing cancer compared to the general population.
For example, a woman carrying a pathogenic (harmful) mutation in the BRCA1gene , has a risk of about 45-80% of developing breast cancer by the age of 70, compared to a woman without genetic defects, whose risk is about 12%.
Oncological genetic counseling is a process of communication between the genetic specialist and the patient or healthy person in which the details related to the possibility of diagnosing a hereditary or familial cancer are discussed.
The oncogenetic consultation and counseling is addressed to individuals and families for whom there is a suspicion of a predisposition for a neoplastic syndrome (most often families where there are blood relatives diagnosed with cancer) or to those who need targeted molecular therapies based on specific genetic tests.
The most important argument for oncogenetic consultation is the family history positive for cancer (blood relatives diagnosed with cancer). If in my family there are at least 2 blood relatives diagnosed with cancer, it is possible that the disease is a hereditary one.
The identification of the person at risk for hereditary cancer is very important because it allows the identification of people with high risk (hereditary) for the appearance of the cancer allows you to recommend and perform intensive screening measures and prophylactic interventions (prophylactic medication and surgical prophylaxis) in order to reduce or even avoid the occurrence of cancer. It also allows family oncological counseling for possibly stink relatives of the predisposing genetic defect for cancer.
Genetic counselling and counselling take place online, in a strictly confidential setting. Medical information, test results and medical recommendations are presented only to the patient.
During the initial consultation, the GenTuRo specialist asks for information about the patient’s medical habits and history, as well as information related to family members, especially related to oncological pathology (family oncological pedigree)
If you are an oncological patient you will be asked for information related to diagnosis and treatment: the type of cancer (localization), the clinical stage, the result of the histopathological examination (biopsy), treatment recommended by the oncologist, etc. The geneticist can request medical documents that will be uploaded from the patient’s account on the GenTuRo platform.
Based on the data provided, the doctor will estimate the cumulative risk of cancer (using risk models) and elaborate the need for genetic testing.
During the second meeting, the geneticist will explain the results of the genetic testing and will guide the patient for monitoring and the choice of preventive methods (surgical prophylaxis and control by re-testing) for patients and their families.
One of the myths about hereditary breast cancer is that it only occurs in women. The risk of transmitting the mutation from one generation to another is 50%, regardless of the sex of those affected, for example, if the daughter / son of a woman with a brca pathogenic mutation inherits the genetic defect, it can be transmitted further to both girls and boys. Also BRCA positive men have a 10% risk of developing breast cancer and about 20% for prostate cancer.
Identification of pathogenic mutations, allows to implement a prophylactic protocol that allows to decrease the risk of developing neoplasia in asymptomatic carriers and to establish an adequate treatment in patients diagnosed with breast neoplasm, carriers of mutation. Genetic counseling of patients but also of family members possibly carriers of genetic strength is extremely important, being recommended whenever necessary.
Genetic testing consists of the analysis of individual genetic information and consists of 3 stages: isolation of the patient’s DNA from saliva, followed by specific molecular analysis of genes of interest and completed with the interpretation of the resulting data. Current protocols initially recommend testing the BRCA1 and BRCA2genes, most commonly involved in hereditary breast and ovary cancer (state-of-the-art sequencing -NGS and MLPA duplication/delection analysis). If the testing is negative, the diagnosis of hereditary breast cancer is not excluded, given that the BRCA mutations cover only 60% of all mutations identified in this form of cancer. Thus, one can opt for extensive testing for hereditary breast cancer (concomitant evaluation of several genes associated with hereditary breast neoplasia: BRCA1/2, PALB2, CHEK2, TP53, etc.). Currently, most specialists recommend extensive testing as a first-line investigation in hereditary breast and ovary cancer.
A positive result means identifying a genetic defect that significantly increases the risk of developing cancer. The oncological risk (expressed as a percentage), is different depending on the gene involved and the effect that the defect has on the body. A positive result does not imply the mandatory occurrence of cancer. Positive molecular testing requires adequate genetic counseling that allows genotype-phenotype correlations and the implementation of appropriate prophylactic and therapeutic oncological management.
Molecular testing frequently identifies mutations for which there is not enough evidence to be considered benign (neutral) or pathogenic (harmful). By the time they will be properly characterized and reclassified, they are not going to influence the diagnosis or oncological prophylaxis. Mutations of uncertain significance (VUS) are not subject to genetic counselling, due to the fact that it is currently considered that these molecular changes do not change the risk of hereditary cancer.
Genetic analysis that does not report pathogenic (harmful) mutations, is considered as negative. A negative result does not exclude the possibility of a form of cancer due to the fact that molecular germ testing evaluates only the constitutional genetic component and cannot quantify the intake or influence of other risk predisposing factors such as those related to the environment, diet or exposure to carcinogenic factors.
Most hereditary forms of cancer have an autosomal dominant transmission, which means that the disease is manifested in heterozygotes (a single mutant allula) or homozygous (both mutant allults, a situation rarely encountered) and the risk of being transmitted and found in offspring is 50% for each individual case.
Less often, as is the case with attenuated adenomatous polyposis, cancer occurs in homozygous individuals (both mutant allals), heterozygous (a single mutant allle), being in most cases carriers. In this case the pattern of hereditary transmission is autosomal recessive, the risk for affected offspring is 25%.
The GenTuRo team will send the biological sample collection kit (saliva) to the requested address, along with the necessary instructions for collection for genetic testing. If you encounter any problems, you can be assisted by phone or by videocall by a member of our team. You will need to check the personal data inscribed on the return tube and make sure that you have sealed the sample before it is picked up by the courier.